Friday, March 4, 2016


february went by in a blur.  mae spent a good portion of it sick. she was not listening and saying what all the time.  and it was so frustrating. finally at izzy's one year appointment i asked the dr about it and she wanted to check her ears, sure enough she had a double ear infection, and there was so much drainage in one that she couldn't hear.  i felt like the worst mom ever for getting so frustrated with her.  at least i know she couldn't hear when i said some not so pleasant things while i thought she just wasn't listening.  she also had to have two rounds of antibiotics because towards the end of the first round her eardrum ruptured and the antibiotics weren't clearing up her infection.  she had an appointment this week and we got the all clear.

gram was so sweet and sent mae some "get better rain boots".  because what girl doesn't love bright rain boots. 

mae has started wearing izzy's clothes.  mostly her pants.  and they are so incredibly short and tight on her it's surprising to me that she continues to put them on.

izzy was a fan of baby Einstein for a little while.  but, not so much anymore.  she realized that i turn it on when i need to walk away and do something, and she does not like when i do that.  so, she won't really sit and watch anymore.

it's a little crazy how attached this girl is.  if i try to hand her off to cody she cries.  if i set her down and walk to the kitchen she cries, or the bathroom she cries.  she'll be great and play by herself when cody watches her, and then the minute i get back she's crying because i'm not holding her.  yikes! 
 still doing our letter of the week.  although, not quite as avidly as in the beginning.  but we are powering through these bad boys!

seriously, the winters in texas are superb.  we've had a few chilly days.  but honestly we've been able to play outside almost every single day.  last week it was so warm that we went down to the lake and played for a while.  well, mae played.  izzy ate rocks.
 and then mae went too far in the water and got soaked.  but, she had a blast.

 sometimes these two can love each other.  but it turns very quickly to wrestling, hair pulling, crying. 

mae usually screams bloody murder whenever the dr checks her ears.  so i told her that if she did well and listened to the dr, and answered her questions, she could pick a treat after her appointment.  i thought she was going to pick a slurpee or cookie.  nope. at 3:30 in the afternoon this kid wanted a donut.  lucky for us HEB always has them!

 took my little entourage to vote the other day.  they were awesome.  mae was a little bummed when she figured out i said Vote and not Boat.  she kept wondering where the water was.  when i explained voting, it wasn't as cool to her.  but then she got a sticker and all was right in the world.

these two play well together sometimes.  which i love.  izzy absolutely LOVES when mae pushes her in the baby doll stroller.  she laughs the whole time.  that stroller has seen some better days.  the wheels are bent because of that chubby belly.  but, it has brought some good times for these two.

aaaannnd this is when the hugs turn to wrestling.  hope it toughens them up!

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