Thursday, February 25, 2016

the things she says

as of late, mae has said some very interesting things.  so, i decided to dedicate a post to the funny/weird/ridiculous/maddening things that come out of my child's mouth.

recently izzy has been making a tucka-tucka-tuck noise.  sometimes mae and i do it with her.  one day mae decided she was going to replace the t with an f.  i tried not to laugh, because let's face it.  when kids say swear words it's hilarious.  i told her those weren't very nice words, so we shouldn't say them. she kept going.  and then decided to drop to tucka-tucka, and just go with the stright F word.  so, i explained that that was a yucky word, and when things are yucky we have to wash them.  so if she kept saying that word i would have to wash her mouth out with soap.  well, she just looked at me and said it.  so we went to wash her mouth out.  i had barely put a drop on her tongue, she swallowed it and gagged and barfed everywhere.  i mean projectile vomit EVERYWHERE.  and of course, before i could process what the heck had happened, and clean, izzy came crawling over, and crawled right in it.  luckily, mae hasn't said that word again.

the other day, we were all playing on the floor and mae came running up to cody and i and said "i am a black man!" and ran away.  um, what?  seriously, no idea where that came from.

mae and i were cleaning the other day and she sat down and said "mom i am egyausted"

Friday, February 19, 2016

valentines day

mae didn't really get valentines day, but she sure had a blast will all the pink and red that was everywhere.  and she loved putting together her valentines to pass out to her friends. 

gram sent an awesome package that had some fun crafts in it.  mae is a craft nut.  so she was so excited to make these little hearts.  
 i wish i did more crafts with her.  we do them once or twice a week, and after story time each week they do a craft.  but, i don't think she gets her craft fix taken care of.  so, if you have any ideas of easy crafts for preschool age kids let me know!

side note, these pictures were taken on different days...thats how much mae loves this pink shirt.

also on the valentine's day to do list was bake.  this time we did cupcakes with, of course pink frosting.

mae holds her hair back like this all the time, she doesn't really like to wear it up anymore, so she's always pulling the fro out of her face.  and even though she was pulling her hair back...she still got some frosting in it.

i know, my cupcake decorating skills are sad.  but, i was just proud i didn't scoop it out and slap it on there with a knife.  and i've decided mini cupcakes are great for kids...bad for mom.  i really don't want to know how many of those things i ate.

gram got the girls matching shirts, love it.

this is my life.  when one is sitting on my lap, the other sees and gets upset that they aren't on my lap.  so they climb on too, then there's usually hair pulling, pushing, grabbing, yelling, and crying.  i guess i'm flattered that they love me so much??  and don't let this sweet crinkly smile fool you.  she can hold her own with her sister.  that pushing and hair pulling i was talking about?  yeah, that's izzy that instigates.  she's pushed mae off my lap before. 

i've said to cody since the beginning, she is going to be the one we have to watch out for!

but, these two really do love each other.  it makes me so happy to see izzy light up when she sees mae.  and for mae to say "good morning izzy joann baldwin! i miss you"  when izzy gets up.  

mae's new favorite recreational activity is taking selfies and then looking at all of the pictures of herself.  

ah the valentine's day pizza tradition.  i'm not sure what i was thinking when we were dating and i decided to make a nice pizza dinner for cody for valentines day, but i did.  and since then i've tried to do it every year.  this year was no different.  except for the lack of pizza pan, hence the deformed pizza below.  but, it turned out delicious.  and if it makes cody happy, then i will keep doing it.  to the point where its one of those things that you keep doing and your husband wonders why you're still doing it, and secretly wants you to stop, but won't tell you because he's too sweet.  that's most likely what will happen.  either way, we had a special dinner after the girls went to sleep and it was wonderful.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

my crazy family

i had to stay after church for a meeting on sunday, and this is the picture that i got with the caption "selfie stick".  i love these two so much.  and i love even more opening my messages and finding fun pictures from them. 


i'm not quite sure how it happened so fast, but izzy turned one yesterday.  it seems like that year went by so incredibly fast.  i feel like i missed things with her.  all these milestones that i didn't capture the same way i captured them with mae.  i guess the more you have, the less you can capture each and every moment. 
i have to say, this time around, i just enjoyed her being a baby.  i enjoyed the sleepless nights, the quiet time that i got to hold her, i enjoyed the little phase where you just hold them all the time.  i didn't enjoy those times as much with mae, i was so stressed about this little creature, that i didn't take the time to sit back and enjoy her.  so, i'm really glad this time around i took more time to just be with izzy, just to look at her when i was rocking her back to sleep, instead of crying because it was taking so long to get her back to sleep.  (okay, let's be real, i didn't do that EVERY time it took forever to rock her back to sleep.  i did however not let it get to me as much as i did with mae).

what a year it's been for this little lady.  she loves her mama, and adores her sister.  she loves soft cuddly things, and gets so excited when she sees her bunny.  she eats like a champ, and has yet to eat something that she doesn't like.  she's been down to one nap for a few months already, and is the best sleeper.  she has smiles for everyone.  she has 8 teeth, she loves to be outside, loves books and story time at the library.  she loves to clap and dance,  waves and can say hi.

we didn't really do anything special yesterday.  we went to the park in the afternoon with friends, and this little daredevil loves the slide.  she'll push herself down. 

she and mae had a great time opening presents from grandma and grandpa baldwin, and from gram and gramps.
 mae of course hijacked her toys, but what else is new.  "i showing her to do it mom". 

i had some left over texas sheet cake from a super bowl party, so instead of making more cupcakes i figured we would use that instead.  so we put a candle on it and sang happy birthday.  
 and as was expected miss iz loved the cake

we love this little girl so much.  she has brought so much happiness and joy into our family.  it's so incredible to me that such a small little thing can bring so much with them when they come to us.  we are so blessed to have this sweet little rugrat.