Tuesday, April 12, 2016

spring fun

so, i had this post all written.  and then for some reason the text color wasnt all the same.  and when i tried to change it, it wouldnt.  and then when i went back it deleted everything i had typed!  so, let's see if i can remember everything that i said before.

there are a lot of things that i wish i did differently as a mom, and a lot of things that  i could definitely do better.  but, one thing i know i am doing is teaching my girls the importance of health and exercise.  usually i get up early so i can get my workout in before the girls wake up.  because, it's easier and faster.  but, often that doesn't happen.  and yeah, those aren't my favorite workouts.  but, i'm grateful for them.  i'm grateful because my girls see me work hard.  they see me sweat, and get frustrated when i can't do something.  they see me pick myself up and try again.  they learn from my example.  sure i have to stop a million times to break up fights, hold a crying baby, wipe a poopy bum.  but i finish.  and that's an important lesson i want them to learn.

mae has started teaching izzy 'exercise class'  who knows what the heck she's doing, but she's telling her to 'keep going' and 'go down low'.  

 and if i do say so myself, they do have some killer down dog going on.

cody's work had a spring fling a few weeks ago one afternoon. mae was so excited to be able to go to daddy's work.  it was a great time.  i was finally able to meet a lot of the people that he works with.  there were lots of games, face painting, a balloon man, a station to plant flowers, and some food.

mae had some fun playing mini golf.
 and girlfriend did not want to give up until that ball was in that hole.

she was so excited to get a butterfly painted on her face.  and was even more excited when the girl put glitter on her face too.  and then was not so excited when she had to wash it off before bed.

general conference weekend.  i saw so many posts of how wonderful it is, and how it's everyone's favorite weekend.  i wish i felt that way!  it's hard keeping two kids entertained and quiet for two hours at a time!  we did lots of crafts, puzzles, and coloring.  but, that only lasted so long.  i'm looking forward to reading all the talks, and getting more out of it than i did that weekend.  

i have such an amazing family.  last week we went to check the mail and got a super fun package from my aunt and cousins.  the girls were so excited!
 we're so blessed to have people that not only love us, but think of us and send us super fun gifts.  so grateful for eternal families, and how wonderful mine is!
site note: this hippo makes noise, and izzy loves it.  she gives it kisses all the time.

Saturday, April 2, 2016


i love Easter weekend, and the time leading up to it.  i love spring, and the renewal that it brings.  for the opportunity we have to celebrate the miracle of the Atonement and Resurrection of our Savior.  we have started some fun traditions of our own, and it was been so wonderful to watch mae get excited about them!

if i've said it once, i've said it a thousand times.  my girl loves her crafts.  and this mama loves pinterest and the super cute and easy ideas that we find on there.  this one turned out great, although WAY more marshmallows made it into her mouth than on the paper.

every time we see gram we make some sugar cookies!  she's a pro.  literally, some of the tastiest sugar cookies every time. i need to step up my sugar cookie game when she leaves!

i just love, love their relationship.

then, we braved the easter egg dying.  ugh, why in the world is this a tradition?!  either way, she was in heaven,  and there was little to no mess.

aunt marci sent us a great package for easter, and in it was this super fun easter egg kit.  you decorate the eggs like circus animals.  again, heaven for this little girl.
 i think they turned out pretty cute!  poor girl wanted to play with the eggs.  she didn't really get it when we had to keep them in the fridge.  but, she didn't ask questions when the day after easter we had some delish egg salad!

the library had a special easter egg hunt.  i had totally forgotten about it, and wasn't planning on taking her, but she showed up and they were starting.  i wasn't going to stay because, lots of people and crowds are not my jam.  but, i stuck it out for this little girl.  glad i did, because she loved it.  but, after she found her three eggs i hustled her out of there so fast!!

last year we went to houston for an easter bbq and egg hunt with cousins, and this year bre and joseph hosted us again.  i'm so incredibly glad that we were able to go!  all 16 of the baldwin cousins were together for the first time.  so special!  i love this family so much and am so grateful for them!

i think bre and i hid around 140 eggs.  and i'm pretty sure the egg hunt was over in 3 minutes...tops.  it was chaos.  but it was so much fun.  

 the big kids were so great with the littles, they are some really awesome kids.  i'm so glad mae has such great examples to look up to.

ans of course we did our easter bunny pancakes.  mae requested pink pancakes this year.  don't hate on my terrible pouring skills...they were delicious even if they were not proportionate.

my mom got the girls some adorable easter dresses this year.  if you know me, you know i'm not about the frilly stuff.  so these were perfect.  

i love these two so much.  i'm so grateful for our Savior and His eternal sacrifice that we can be a forever family.

i love this crazy little family of mine.  it's hard being home all day with these girls, and being a mom is the toughest thing i've ever done.  but, they're mine.  and  i wouldn't have it any other way.

 buuut, then they do stuff like this and it makes me rethink my last statement. :)

Friday, April 1, 2016

Gram & Gramps

gram and gramps made one last trip to austin before they leave for Brazil in June.  we are so incredibly excited for them, what an amazing opportunity for them.  they will surely bless the lives of so many.  and i know those missionaries are just going to love them.

prepare yourself for picture overload.  it was six days of pure fun.  we ate at lots of yummy places, went to parks, of course did some shopping, and just had a wonderful time with my parents.  it's so wonderful to see mae and izzy's relationship with them.  and as i've become a parent, i have so much more love, respect, and gratitude for all that my parents have done for me, but especially for my girlies.

playgrounds are a definite must.  these girls love the playground.

 mae could spend the entire time at the park on the swings if she could.  girl loves it.

 and izzy could spend the entire time on the slide.  she pushes herself right on down.

gram and gramps drove (and because of the flooding in LA, there were NO HOTELS so they had to drive through the night.  they are champs), so mae was super excited to be able to ride in the truck and watch a show.  

 i've wanted to 'hike' Mt. Bonnell for a long time, so we finally decided to do it while my parents were here.
 my dad counted...105 stairs.  if i lived closer i would be running those stairs all the time!! and walking up them with a 25lb baby on your back will get that heart rate up for sure.
 izzy, rode on my back and i didnt hear a peep from her the whole time.  both my girls just love to be outside.  i'm so glad! especially because we can do activities like this.
 the view was amazing.  so incredible.

 mae loves to take selfies.  but for some reason she's started putting her hands in front of her mouth in pictures.

of course we had to get some BBQ while my parents were here.  this time we took them to rudy's.  it was good, though not our favorite.  
 izzy loved the potato salad

 and she has started to stand on the scooter, and wants you to push her around.  it's so cute.

we took gram and gramps to dance class.  i'm so glad that we can sign her up for this.  she loves it.  and it's so great for her to be around other kids and learn from different people.

 izzy really warmed up to gramps.  and i'm so glad that she did! 

we are so blessed to be able to see my parents as much as we do.  i'm sad we won't be able to see them very much these next three years.  but, i'm so excited for them to have this experience together, and to be able to go to brazil to see them!  how many opportunities like this will we have?