Tuesday, April 12, 2016

spring fun

so, i had this post all written.  and then for some reason the text color wasnt all the same.  and when i tried to change it, it wouldnt.  and then when i went back it deleted everything i had typed!  so, let's see if i can remember everything that i said before.

there are a lot of things that i wish i did differently as a mom, and a lot of things that  i could definitely do better.  but, one thing i know i am doing is teaching my girls the importance of health and exercise.  usually i get up early so i can get my workout in before the girls wake up.  because, it's easier and faster.  but, often that doesn't happen.  and yeah, those aren't my favorite workouts.  but, i'm grateful for them.  i'm grateful because my girls see me work hard.  they see me sweat, and get frustrated when i can't do something.  they see me pick myself up and try again.  they learn from my example.  sure i have to stop a million times to break up fights, hold a crying baby, wipe a poopy bum.  but i finish.  and that's an important lesson i want them to learn.

mae has started teaching izzy 'exercise class'  who knows what the heck she's doing, but she's telling her to 'keep going' and 'go down low'.  

 and if i do say so myself, they do have some killer down dog going on.

cody's work had a spring fling a few weeks ago one afternoon. mae was so excited to be able to go to daddy's work.  it was a great time.  i was finally able to meet a lot of the people that he works with.  there were lots of games, face painting, a balloon man, a station to plant flowers, and some food.

mae had some fun playing mini golf.
 and girlfriend did not want to give up until that ball was in that hole.

she was so excited to get a butterfly painted on her face.  and was even more excited when the girl put glitter on her face too.  and then was not so excited when she had to wash it off before bed.

general conference weekend.  i saw so many posts of how wonderful it is, and how it's everyone's favorite weekend.  i wish i felt that way!  it's hard keeping two kids entertained and quiet for two hours at a time!  we did lots of crafts, puzzles, and coloring.  but, that only lasted so long.  i'm looking forward to reading all the talks, and getting more out of it than i did that weekend.  

i have such an amazing family.  last week we went to check the mail and got a super fun package from my aunt and cousins.  the girls were so excited!
 we're so blessed to have people that not only love us, but think of us and send us super fun gifts.  so grateful for eternal families, and how wonderful mine is!
site note: this hippo makes noise, and izzy loves it.  she gives it kisses all the time.

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