Friday, April 1, 2016

Gram & Gramps

gram and gramps made one last trip to austin before they leave for Brazil in June.  we are so incredibly excited for them, what an amazing opportunity for them.  they will surely bless the lives of so many.  and i know those missionaries are just going to love them.

prepare yourself for picture overload.  it was six days of pure fun.  we ate at lots of yummy places, went to parks, of course did some shopping, and just had a wonderful time with my parents.  it's so wonderful to see mae and izzy's relationship with them.  and as i've become a parent, i have so much more love, respect, and gratitude for all that my parents have done for me, but especially for my girlies.

playgrounds are a definite must.  these girls love the playground.

 mae could spend the entire time at the park on the swings if she could.  girl loves it.

 and izzy could spend the entire time on the slide.  she pushes herself right on down.

gram and gramps drove (and because of the flooding in LA, there were NO HOTELS so they had to drive through the night.  they are champs), so mae was super excited to be able to ride in the truck and watch a show.  

 i've wanted to 'hike' Mt. Bonnell for a long time, so we finally decided to do it while my parents were here.
 my dad counted...105 stairs.  if i lived closer i would be running those stairs all the time!! and walking up them with a 25lb baby on your back will get that heart rate up for sure.
 izzy, rode on my back and i didnt hear a peep from her the whole time.  both my girls just love to be outside.  i'm so glad! especially because we can do activities like this.
 the view was amazing.  so incredible.

 mae loves to take selfies.  but for some reason she's started putting her hands in front of her mouth in pictures.

of course we had to get some BBQ while my parents were here.  this time we took them to rudy's.  it was good, though not our favorite.  
 izzy loved the potato salad

 and she has started to stand on the scooter, and wants you to push her around.  it's so cute.

we took gram and gramps to dance class.  i'm so glad that we can sign her up for this.  she loves it.  and it's so great for her to be around other kids and learn from different people.

 izzy really warmed up to gramps.  and i'm so glad that she did! 

we are so blessed to be able to see my parents as much as we do.  i'm sad we won't be able to see them very much these next three years.  but, i'm so excited for them to have this experience together, and to be able to go to brazil to see them!  how many opportunities like this will we have?

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