Friday, March 11, 2016

rain, rain go away

it has been a rainy week in austin.  we've needed the rain, but i've decided rain for 5 days straight and active little kids don't mix.  but, the rain is supposed to clear out today, so we will be spending some much needed time at the park next week for sure!

 the results of major humidity on homegirl's hair is unreal.  i should just give up trying to tame it, let it go free.  that's how she usually wants to wear it anyways.

this one is something else for sure.  she's made quite a few kids cry.  it's not malicious, she just wants to know what they're doing, and loves babies and poking their faces and pulling their ears for some reason.

she is most commonly found crawling around without a shirt, especially at the end of the day.  she won't keep a bib on, so she just eats without a shirt.  and being the lazy mom that i am, i usually don't put it back on her after dinner.  this is her new favorite perch.

one morning whilst trying to entertain my kids i put them on a blanket and pulled them all around.  they thought it was hilarious, especially when one of them falls off.  mae literally laughs the entire time she's being pulled.  and these two are NOT light.  that's 60+ pounds that we're pulling.  that's an awesome workout for sure.  so, when daddy gets home, it's his turn to pull those beasts (i mean beautiful girls) around.

 i started my instagram fitness page, just mostly workouts and things, but every once and a while one of these munchkins creeps in for the photo bomb.  i'm really loving it.  it's my creative outlet.  i might not be able to craft all that well, but dang it i can create a workout!

izzy's bunny had some trouble during naptime.  when i go get her when she wakes up she always hands me her bunny, and yesterday after nap she handed me two pieces.  she ripped that thing right off.  this kid is a crawling destructress (that's what gram calls her).  luckily these bunnies came in a two pack!

and this one.  lately she has been playing airplane.  she even goes through security.  but sometimes the trips are longer and we have to bring EVERYTHING.  some of her bags still have junk in them.  i need to go through them and clean stuff out, but i'm a little scared of what i might find.  yesterday one of her bags dropped and something fell out that looked like a huge bug and she started freaking out.  i went over and it turned out to be just a shriveled up dandelion from TWO WEEKS ago.  can we say hoarder?  yikes. but, she has a great time and for the most part entertains herself.  so i can't complain too much.

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