Tuesday, November 17, 2015

more fun in the va

since we had to get tickets so quickly, it was cheaper for us to stay longer.  and because i was traveling solo with my sidekicks, i wanted to make it worth my while.  so we had two whole weeks home which was wonderful.

we were able to spend some time with grandma and grandpa baldwin and grandma neely.  it's always so special when kids get to be with their grandparents.  mae used to be so shy around grandpa especially, and now she adores him.

the best part about going to grandma and grandpa's house is the bounce house in the living room!!

we also were able to spend time with more cousins.  jordan and mae are just about 2 months apart, and they were very sweet together. 

we went to my old office to see some special people while we were there.  my dad used to work there as well, so we dragged him along with us!  it's hard to believe that just a little over three years ago, my world revolved around my job there.  and now my world revolves around those sweet little people in that picture.  so crazy where three years has brought me!

gram and gramps have some hilarious hats that they have collected over the years (thanks to bom and pops annual christmas gift to the guys).  so we had fun trying all of them on.  my favorite on izzy.  i should have dressed her up as an acorn for halloween!

the viking lady hat was mae's favorite.  i'm pretty sure it was because of the braids...

we went to the mall one rainy day to take a ride on the 'carasot', as mae would call it.  she was in hog heaven on it.  she's always loved them.  
 aaannnddd she's down for the count.  she can go and go and go.  and then drop like a fly the minute the car starts.

mae's favorite tradition whenever we see gram is making sugar cookies.  my mom's sugar cookies are da boommbbb.  glad my daughter loves them just as much as i do.  she is fabulous at decorating them, and even more fabulous at sampling the cookie dough.

shopping and lunching with gram is hard work!  this was a regular occurrence while we were home.

we seriously crammed a lot into two weeks.  we also met up with some friends at frying pan park.  i didnt even know this place was still around, i used to go there when i was a kid!  it was a lot of fun. 

probably the one good picture that we got of mae and gram.  i think by the end mae was sick of having pictures taken. but, we got a good one!  so grateful for my wonderful parents and all that they do for my sweet girls and for me.  i am truly blessed.

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