Monday, April 6, 2015

Izzy's Blessing

last sunday we had izzy's blessing at our church.  we were going to wait until we went home in may for kasee's wedding, but it just worked out that my parents were going to be in town.  it was a lot different than mae's blessing, but it was still such a special day.  we were so lucky to have bre, joseph and lucy come up for the day.  it was a great day.

these two girls are a hoot.  they love each other, and i'm so glad that they get along! it's fun to live close enough that they can get to know each other.  they got three bike rides one from cody, joseph and my dad.  and you could hear them giggling as they rode away...too cute.

 mae has officially moved to a big girl bed, she seriously could barely fit into her crib. i was super nervous about how it was going to work out.  if she would even sleep in the bed, if she would be up all night, coming into our room all the time.  it has been pretty awesome.  i don't think she's realized that she can get out and come into our room, so when she wakes up she either cries or chats to herself.  maybe she's just lazy and wants me to come get her?  either way, it works for me.  we have found her in some very interesting positions.  and she's fallen out a few times.  somehow, two of the times she fell out she didn't even wake up!! i wish i could be that asleep.

cody has been so busy lately.  sometimes mae only sees him for a few minutes before she goes to bed a night.  so we decided to meet up for lunch.  it was so special for mae!  and even more special because she got ice cream at the end!  i'm glad cody works close enough that we can do this.  in DC we never would have been able to have lunch together.

 we had lots of fun while gram and gramps were here.  izzy started to smile, and even coo a little bit.  proof that she can be happy when she's not being held!

this picture makes her look a lot chunkier than she is.  but i love it.

my parents drove out to texas in their suburban, and mae was in heaven with a tv in the car.  i thought one day i wanted to get a car that had a tv and dvd player in it, but now i'm not so sure!  every time we were in the car "watch a show mommy?"

gramps teaching mae how to golf.  maybe she'll take it up one day?

 we ate at many delicious places, including in-n-out.  i'm still learning how to take care of two little people at the same time.  but here i was able to feed them both...progress!

torchy's tacos is always a must.  this little girl is a chip fiend.  probably the cutest one ever.

mae loves to decorate sugar cookies.  so she and gram made easter cookies.  she goes a little crazy with the decorations.  
 izzy is starting to be more alert, and actually interacts sometimes.  this is a face that i see quite often...cody's mom says that he made this face a lot.  actually, sometimes he still sticks his tongue out without realizing it.

i'm still trying to figure out how to handle stress and my anxiety with so much that i can't control.  i'm trying to figure out how to take it one day at a time.  some days that seems too hard, so i just take it a few hours at a time. one thing is for sure, i love these little munchkins.

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