Saturday, January 30, 2016


for some reason it feels like january has lasted forever!  maybe it's just me.  we've been having fun around these parts.  and have been loving the warmer weather we've had.  my kids are just so much happier when they can go outside.

this is what happens when mae gets a hold of stickers.  what you can't see are the ones that are all down izzy's legs, and the ones i later found in her mouth.  but, i can't get mad.  she listened when i said you can't put them on any furniture or walls.  i need to learn to be more specific.

we go on afternoon walks almost every day if the weather is nice.  2 weeks ago, a princess dress was required attire.  total meltdown ensued when it got caught in her wheel and i had to cut part of it.

we love the library.  story time is awesome, and they always have great crafts afterwards.  mae still wears this one

i started a fitness instagram account, and have been recording part of my workouts sometimes.  (i'm having so much fun doing it.  it's been really great for me!)  mae joins me a lot when i workout, and a few weeks ago she got out my mat so she could do some 'loga'.  and of course, whatever mae does izzy has to do too!

or wherever mae is, izzy has to make sure she can see her.  not even the strap can contain this kid.

big news in the k is finally open!! woohoo.  love me some polar pops.  especially because every size is only $.89!  how can i pass up a 44oz when it's only $.89?  these always remind me of reid, so mae and i took pictures and sent them to him.

this kid.  is climbing up, around, on, over everything.  and is very proud of herself!  mae was never much of a climber.  she just wanted to walk and run everywhere.  but this kid.  i gotta watch my back!  the best part is, when she pulls herself up, she hasn't figured out how to drop back to the ground.  so she just stands there holding onto stuff crying until someone comes to help her down.  i've let her cry quite a while to see if she can figure it out...close to 10 minutes.  but still, nothin.

and apparently i dont have to worry about just my 11 month old climbing things.  but my three year old as well.  she was real proud of herself after this one.

i wish i knew what was going on in that head of hers.  the things she does or says when she's playing are so weird and hilarious.  why we had to play soccer in her gladiator costume is beyond me...but, we did.  and she had a blast.

workin on some planks with me in the backyard.  love my workout buddy

i dont know how in the world this kid got on the couch...but she did.  and she loved it.

not too much excitement around these parts.  but, these two keep me busy.  and i wouldnt have it any other way.

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