Thursday, May 23, 2013

The First Swim

i've been so excited for the weather to finally be warm, and for my parent's pool to be warm, so we could go swimming.  we didn't get to swim much in it last year, so i've been waiting with anticipation for the weather to cooperate!

i'm not going to lie, i've been really nervous about how mae would take to the water.  i pretty much grew up in a bathing suit, and the pool and the beach were my favorite destinations (and still are).  so, i was scared that mae might not be a water baby...boy was i wrong.  she loved the water!  she was apprehensive at first, but my mom or i stayed close to her the whole time, and she was totally comfortable by the end. 

we had such a blast!  it was so much fun to share something with my daughter that brings me so much joy, and to see that it brings her joy as well!  it looks like we will be making many a trip to gram and gramp's house to play in the pool!
greased up and ready to go

in other you can see in the pics, we're rockin' the pigtails!  

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