Wednesday, April 17, 2013

somethin' to munch on

mae has started to munch on anything she can get her chubby little hands on.  toes, fingers, arms, knees, toys, diapers.  seriously, you name it and i'm pretty sure it's been in her mouth.  case and point...
chewing on a bag of wipes

 she is trying all sorts of new foods.  some of her new favorites include avacado, spinach and yogurt.  it's been pretty neat to learn how to make baby food.  although it is definitely not the easy route, i'm glad that i decided to make my own baby food.

i love the mornings.  mae is up early, so she's awake before cody leaves for work.  cody has been so busy with work and school, that more often than not, she's asleep before he gets home.  i love having that little bit of time together. and seeing her face light up when she sees her daddy.

we're still in the market for a car.  this has proven to be quite stressful.  trying to find a car that can fit a convertible car seat that has to face backwards because mae is too long for her infant seat, and a 6'4" husband has been very difficult.  luckily, bryan and karen had an extra car that we have been able to borrow these past 2 weeks. (thank you!!)

i'm still trying to figure everything out with my calling.  one thing i am still in awe of is the love that i have instantly had for these sisters, some of whom i still don't know.  and the love that i have for the sisters that i am serving with.  they are wonderful, and i'm grateful for the chance i have to work with them.

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