mae did not particularly enjoy being bundled up
we plopped her on the i'm pretty sure this sled it at least 15 years old.
i'm willing to bet that i had a better time than she did, but per usual, she amused me, and pretended to have fun.
gramps worked from home, so mae was able to play with him a lot. he took her for a spin around the yard.
she had more fun using the dust pan to shovel snow
when it started to get real cold and windy that afternoon, we went out to the screened porch...which has a delightful propane heater. she had a blast playing with her sand toys in the snow.
after a day or so i couldn't take it anymore. (i guess it's a good thing we're moving to austin and not north dakota). so we headed to an indoor playground and met up with some friends. all i can say is totally worth the money. munchkin had a ball. there is so much to do there, it was like toy overload.
mae's new favorite form of entertainment is the ipad. my mom got this shot of her watching the other night.
mae never really liked noodles, so it was much to my surprise when she developed a love for spaghetti. meatballs...a whole other story. she loves meat.
the biggest news is we found a house! i went down to austin over the weekend to see cody and to meet with our realtor (whom, by the way, i totally love). we had done quite a bit of research previous to meeting with her, especially since we needed to move in fairly quickly. saturday was an extremely long day, and totally draining. but we found our home! i love it. it's a grown up home. which is kind of scary, but we couldn't be happier.
we're excited to start this new chapter of our lives. and to actually live in the same state as each other.